Name: Wouter van Vliet Address: Hellevangen 67 2th Zip code: 9210 Location: Aalborg SŲ Country: Denmark Phone: +4520371433 Contact this professional by email Visit this professional home page Professional skills: Availability PHP developer: Yes SEO professional: Yes Can work remotely: Yes
Programming PHP: 23 years PHP 5: 20 years JavaScript: 25 years
Languages Java: 22 years Perl: 21 years Python: 16 years
Databases MySQL: 23 years PostgreSQL: 22 years
OS Linux: 22 years Windows: 32 years
Apps Drupal: 16 years WordPress: 18 years
Other skills: Flex, interaction design.
The system didn't allow me to specify PHP5 experience prior to July 2004, even though I've been working with it since the first RC in March of that year.