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PHP professional profile of Higinio Samaniego

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Name:Higinio Samaniego
Address:Carandayty c/ Camalote 2085
Zip code:1113
Location:Lambare, Central
Country:Paraguay Paraguay

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Professional skills:
PHP developer:Yes
Systems administrator:Yes
Can move to employer country:Yes
Can work remotely:Yes
PHP:12 years
PHP 5:12 years
JavaScript:11 years
Java:9 years
Python:4 years
Microsoft SQL server:10 years
MySQL:12 years
Oracle:9 years
PostgreSQL:10 years
SQLite:9 years
Linux:12 years
Mac OS X:9 years
Windows:21 years
Android:9 years
Apple iOS:9 years
CakePHP:8 years
Laravel:3 years
Symfony:1 year and 11 months
jQuery:10 years
Angular.js:6 years
WordPress:10 years
Version control
CVS:10 years
Git:9 years

Other skills:With 11 years of experience as a developer, I specialize in a wide range of languages and tools including PHP (Laravel, CakePHP, Yii, Prestashop, WordPress), Java (Spring Boot, Java 8), Ionic, Flutter, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, Linux, HTML, CSS, Git, Docker, Redmine, Trello, and Mantis.

I have worked on diverse projects such as web systems, API integrations, websites, native and hybrid mobile applications, app store publications, e-commerce sites, payment plugins, API development, project leadership, and web server configurations.

I am passionate about learning new technologies and delivering effective solutions for every project, with a strong focus on achieving results.