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PHP dotGo Engine: Interact with SMS messages sent to your site

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This package can interact with SMS messages sent to your site using the DOTGO service.

The class handles HTTP requests sent by the DOTGO service when a user sends a SMS message to a given short code phone number.

It also generates a response based on how your application intends to respond to each request.

An administrative interface provides means to configure the different responses your application will make.

Currently it allows you to add, update, delete and list keywords that your application will be able to handle and what response type they will generate. These keywords are stored in a MySQL database.

The DOTGO service uses short code phone numbers, so it will only work with users in the USA, Canada and the UK. For users outside of this coverage area, a mobile emulator is provided for users to access the service over the internet.

Your application must be hosted in domains with a top level domain of .com, .net, .org, .edu or .gov.

Notice that the DOTGO service appears to no longer be available as of October 2016.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2015
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
The DOTGO system is a service that can receive SMS messages to a given service number and interface sites that will determine how to respond to those messages.

This package can be used to implement a service that will respond to SMS messsages sent to a service number and by providing appropriate responses to the DOTGO service.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Dave Smith
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Name: Dave Smith is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Dave Smith .
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Age: 59
All time rank: 608 in United States United States
Week rank: 38 Up5 in United States United States Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 32x

Winner: 7x


//dotgo response engine
//for use with dotgo class ver 0.1 beta

$dotgo = new dotgo();

$dbConnected = $dotgo->dbConnect();
if( empty(
$dbConnected) ){
'<message><content>There has been a connection error</content></message>');

$keyword = $dotgo->processData();
if( !empty(
$keyword) ){


Class: dotgo Version: 0.1 beta 10/23/2015 web service documentation at Copyright 2015 Wagon Trader, All Rights Reserved Description: Create an interactive web based sms (text messaging) service on your web site using the dotgo web services. You must have your own domain with a .com, .net, .org, .edu or .gov extension. You must have access to a mySQL database. Files: dotgo.class.php - Main class dotgo.admin.php - Administration class dotgoem.class.php - Dotgo mobile emulator dotgo.engine.php - Response engine admin.php - Administration script test.php - Simple engine test script emulate.php - Sample mobile emulation interface index.cmrl - dotgo concise message routing language file dotgo.table.sql - Data structure for mySQL table Installation: Upload files to a web accessible location on your server (eg. public_html) Create a mySQL table to store message paths. You can use the included dotgo.table.sql file to import the table fields using phpMyAdmin or your favorite database manager. It is recommended that you change the name of admin.php to something only you know to prevent a brute force hacking attempt. Configuration: Set the correct URL path in the index.cmrl file to the engine. <engine href=""/> would be your real domain name. This must be the full path, so if you have included this package in a folder, you need to specify the full path. If you are redirecting all traffic to the sub-domain www, then you need to specify the sub-domain in the url..., for example. Set your own secret access key in dotgo.admin.php by changing the value of the $adminKey property. Configure the following properties in dotgo.class.php for your setup... $dbHost - Your database host, localhost normally works fine if the database is hosted on the same server as your domain. $dbUser - The username to access the database. $dbPass - The password to access the database. $dbName - The database name which contains the mySQL table. $dbPort - The port to access the database, normally set to null for default $dbSocket - The socket to access the database, normally set to null for default $tableName - The name of the database table to store the message paths. dotgo_path is the default, change this value if you set up a different table $designator - The name of your domain without the extension, so would be 'example'. $channel - The dotgo channel to use. This is related to your domain extension, would be DOTCOM (368266) and would be DOTNET (368638). Available channels are listed in the class. Usage: admin.php (hopefully you changed the name to something else) is the interface to set up keyword paths and their responses. You will need to initialize the admin session by providing your secret key by pointing your browser to admin.php?key=yoursecretkey, using the correct script name and key you set up. Users will access your content by text messaging your domain name plus keywords to the channel for your domain extension. Suppose they text... example hello 368266 (which is dotcom on the dial), dotgo will access and post the argument 'hello'. Using the administration interface, you set up a keyword 'hello' to return message content of 'Hello, welcome to my site'. dotgo will receive the response you set up, 'Hello, welcome to my site' and text message it back to your user. Suppose your user texts 'example hello world' to dotcom... If you have set up a child keyword to hello, so that the keyword path is hello -> world, to return message content of 'Hello back to the world', then dotgo would return that message back to the user. Content types: message - the simplest response. It will return the content as a message back to the user. query - return a different path. You can set up a root keyword 'world' as a query with the content 'hello world'. dotgo will query the engine as if the user supplied 'hello world', returning your message content 'Hello, welcome to my site' to them. custom content - returns content exactly as written. This is an advanced feature that must contain properly formatted cmrl. You would use it to supply instructions to dotgo using <block>, <keyword>, <input>, etc... tags. Refer to the dotgo documentation to understand how these advanced features work. rss feed - url to an rss feed. dotgo has internal processing for rss feed responses. engine - url to another engine. dotgo will send the request to the specified engine. Set up as many keyword paths as you want, however best fits your needs. Reserved words: dotgo has reserved the following words for their own internal processing and can not be used as keywords... 'follow' 'unfollow' 'register' 'unregister' 'subscribe' 'unsubscribe' 'stop' Mobile emulator Included is a script to emulate DOTGO SMS messages on a web site. This script will allow your users who do not have access to mobile short code phone numbers to still interact with your, or any other, website by emulating the SMS system. Testing: You can run the included test.php file to make sure your database is set up and that you are getting a response. Submit requests for message responses only since this test script is not capable of emulating the advanced features of dotgo. You can test your engine live by using your own cell phone or avoid messaging fees by using the included emulator or use dotgo's simulator located at Changelog 0.1.1 beta Added emulator 0.1 beta Initial beta release

  Files folder image Files (12)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageimg (1 file)
Accessible without login Plain text file admin.php Appl. Administration Script
Plain text file dotgo.admin.php Class Administration Class
Plain text file dotgo.class.php Class Main Class
Accessible without login Plain text file dotgo.engine.php Example dotgo response engine
Accessible without login Plain text file dotgo.table.sql Data Database table structure
Plain text file dotgoem.class.php Class dotgo mobile emulator
Accessible without login Plain text file emulate.php Aux. Mobile emulator web interface
Accessible without login Plain text file index.cmrl Data dotgo cmrl file
Accessible without login Plain text file license.txt Lic. License
Accessible without login Plain text file manual.txt Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Aux. Engine test script

  Files folder image Files (12)  /  img  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Image file DOTGO_powered.png Data dotgo powered by logo

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