PHP Classes

Malla: Draw entity-relationship diagram images

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malla 1.0.0GNU General Publi...Graphics


This class is meant to generate images that present entity-relationship diagrams.

The entities are represented by rectangles with a text that represents its name. The relationships are represented by lines that connect the relationships rectangles.

The class models entity objects to which may be associated relationships to other entity objects.

The class can draw the entity rectangles in given coordinates of an images created with the GD library.

The relationship lines are drawn in coordinates determined automatically by the class from the respective entity coordinates. The class can also draw labels that are associated to each relationship.

The image can be outputted in any format supported by the GD library.

The supplied example generates clickable image maps that are linked to URLs associated to each entry. You need the TrueType font named tahoma.ttf in the fuentes directory. The example stores the generated image in the tmp sub-directory of the script directory.

The comments and the code are in Spanish.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2004
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Entity-Relationship diagrams is a very common type graphics that is usually designed to document systems and help people understand how they are structured providing a visual representation of its elements and how they are related.

Entity-Relationship diagrams are often use to represent related classes of objects or database tables and the foreign keys that establish the relationships between them.

This class provides a means to draw Entity-Relationship diagrams based on details that define the entities and the relationship connections between them.

The class can simplify the generation of the diagramas by automatically creating a layout for the entities and generates images that can be used to enrich the documentation of the projects on which the represent entities are used.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Oscar Miranda
Name: Oscar Miranda <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Colombia Colombia
Age: 44
All time rank: 18939 in Colombia Colombia
Week rank: 170 Up1 in Colombia Colombia Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


ENGLISH _________ * For cllass Word, you should have a folder with name tmp, this folder have apache's permission ej: cd malla(your directory) mkdir tmp chown apache:apache tmp * And you should have tahoma.ttf, it is a font in folder "fuentes". In can't upload the font. it's phpclases politics, only allow text file, but you can find the class in you OS, it's very usual * AND Ready, enjoy SPANISH _________ * Para que la clase funcione correctamente tu debes tener una carpeta temporar llamada "tmp", la cual debe tener los permisos de apache. Ej cd malla(te ubicas en tu directorio) mkdir tmp chown apache:apache tmp * Y tambien debes contener la fuente tahoma.ttf, ubicada en una carpeta funtes. Este archivo queria subirlo, pero en phpclasses no se pueden subir archivos binarios, solo de texto. sorry. * Y listo, que lo disfruten.

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