PHP Classes

PHP SVG to Image Converter: Parse and render SVG vectorial drawing as an image

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
Not yet rated by the usersTotal: 431 All time: 6,313 This week: 36Up
Version License PHP version Categories
svgtoimage 1.0.1The PHP License5PHP 5, Graphics, Parsers


This class can parse and render SVG vectorial drawing as an image.

It takes the path of a vectorial graphics drawing in SVG format and parses it to extract the graphical shapes that are defined in it.

The class can then create an image and render the graphics defined in the SVG file and save the image in PNG, GIF or JPEG formats.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
January 2020

Prize: One official elePHPant Plush Mascott
SVG is a well known format for describing vectorial graphics format that is better for storing the definition of graphics that should be rendered in high resolution screens or printed media.

Some applications need to use raster graphic formats because they easier and faster to render.

This package provides a pure PHP based solution to convert SVG graphics into bitmap based image formats.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Chouchen
  Performance   Level  
Name: Chouchen <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: France France
Age: ???
All time rank: 258170 in France France
Week rank: 164 Up7 in France France Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 2x


include 'SvgToImage.php';
<image x="184" y="286" width="10" height="10" preserveAspectRatio="none" href="imageurl4.png" style="cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; display: none; " opacity="1"></image>
<image x="204" y="286" width="10" height="10" preserveAspectRatio="none" href="imageurl5.png" style="cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; display: none; " opacity="1"></image>
<path d="M153 334
C153 334 151 334 151 334
C151 339 153 344 156 344
C164 344 171 339 171 334
C171 322 164 314 156 314
C142 314 131 322 131 334
C131 350 142 364 156 364
C175 364 191 350 191 334
C191 311 175 294 156 294
C131 294 111 311 111 334
C111 361 131 384 156 384
C186 384 211 361 211 334
C211 300 186 274 156 274"
$svg = '<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="600" height="512">
<desc>Created with Raphael</desc>
<image x="0" y="0" width="300" height="512" preserveAspectRatio="none" href=""></image>
<rect x="168" y="275" width="52" height="70" r="0" rx="0" ry="0" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="3" stroke-dasharray="8,3" transform="rotate(21.91207728 194 310)" style="opacity: 1;" opacity="1"></rect>
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="turquoise" stroke="#000"></circle>
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/>
<image x="170" y="277" width="48" height="66" preserveAspectRatio="none" href="" style="cursor: move; opacity: 1; " r="90" opacity="1" transform="rotate(21.91207728 194 310)"></image>
<path d="M50 50 V150 H150 L200 50 Z" stroke="red" stroke-width="3" stroke-dasharray="2,2" />
<polygon points="60,150 160,60 260,150 210,250 110,250" stroke="red" stroke-width="3"/>

<polyline stroke="gray" stroke-width="5"
    points="80,250 80,280 60,280 60,310 80,310 80,340 40,340 40,370 80,370 80,400 20,400 20,430 80,430" />

//$svgtoimage = SVGTOIMAGE::parse($svg);
//$svgtoimage = new SVGTOIMAGE($svg);
//$svgtoimage = SVGTOIMAGE::load('france.svg');
$svgtoimage = SVGTOIMAGE::load('Exemple_histogramme.svg');
//$svgtoimage = SVGTOIMAGE::load('basic.svg');
//header('Content-type: image/png');
echo $svgtoimage->toImage();

  Files folder image Files (6)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file basic.svg Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file Exemple_histogramme.svg Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file gd_info.php Aux. Auxiliary script
Plain text file Log.php Class Class source
Plain text file SvgToImage.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Example Example script

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:6,313
This week:36Up