getintegers.php -
Echoes the number of integer values specified by the $count variable.
The returned value will be between $min and $max for the first run, and will not use any range limit
for the second one.
require ( 'examples.inc.php' ) ;
$random = new RandomOrg ( $agent_string ) ;
$count = 10 ;
$min = 1 ;
$max = 100 ;
$values = $random -> GetIntegers ( $count, $min, $max ) ;
echo ( "Getting $count random integer values between $min and $max :\n" ) ;
echo ( "\t" . implode ( ', ', $values ) . "\n" ) ;
display_statistics ( $random ) ;
echo ( "\n" ) ;
$values = $random -> GetIntegers ( $count ) ;
echo ( "Getting $count random integer values without range limits :\n" ) ;
echo ( "\t" . implode ( ', ', $values ) . "\n" ) ;
display_statistics ( $random ) ;