PHP Classes

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909. Notable PHP package: PHP cURL Multiple Requests

Updated on: 2019-10-15

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Curl is a popular PHP extension that can send HTTP requests to many servers at the same time and collect all the responses after all servers handled the HTTP requests.

This class implements a solution that not only takes advantage of sending multiple HTTP requests to remote servers, but also can use a pool of proxy servers to access the remote servers, hopefully to avoid remote server throttling when that server slows down handling many requests being sent at once from the same origin IP address.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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908. Notable PHP package: swoft

Updated on: 2019-10-15

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Swole is a PHP extension that allows PHP developers to implement coroutine based applications, so it can run multiple parallel tasks in the same HTTP request and finish handling that request on less time, thus making PHP applications run faster than using traditional pure PHP based applications.

This package is a framework that takes advantages of Swole to develop PHP applications easily.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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907. Notable PHP package: PHP JSON Response Class

Updated on: 2019-10-14

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HTTP requests need to have a response that uses status codes to let browsers or HTTP clients know if a request was handled successfully or some other outcome has happened.

HTTP status codes are numbers, which are usually not human friendly because they do not mean anything unless the developer looks up or remembers their meaning of all the HTTP status codes that you use in an application.

This class provides a more human friendly solution to issue HTTP status codes that consists in passing just the text message of the HTTP status, so the class automatically determines the HTTP status code numbers.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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906. Notable PHP package: WeatherStack PHP Class

Updated on: 2019-10-11

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Weather information is useful to know what is the expected weather for a region in a future date so people can get prepared.

However, in some cases it is also useful to know what was the weather of that region in a past date.

This class can provide past weather information using the WeatherStack API.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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905. Notable PHP package: CIDRAM

Updated on: 2019-10-10

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Many sites are under attack from computers that use the Internet to take advantage of the site resources for unintended purposes.

Some attacks can come from computers located in known networks or computers from IP addresses that are known to be controlled by some kind of harmful software that accesses sites with bad intentions.

This package can compute the CIDR of a given IP address to and lockup on files with CIDR signatures of known IP addresses that are bad sources of traffic, so applications can block or ignore accesses from that IP address.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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904. Notable PHP package: Simple Wordpress Slideshow Plugin

Updated on: 2019-10-09

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WordPress is probably one of the most popular Web site publishing software as we all know, thanks to many plugins that extend its capabilities.

One common type of functionality that many sites need is the capability to publish images displayed in the form of slideshows.

This package provides a plugin that implements a slideshow capability to a WordPress plugin to display a slideshow on WordPress pages, as well an administration interface to configure its options.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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903. Notable PHP package: PHP Eloquent Find Filter

Updated on: 2019-10-08

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Eloquent is a popular package to be used with the Laravel framework develop PHP applications that need to store and retrieve objects in databases using the Object-Relational mapping approach. Eloquent can be used for that purpose.

This package can be used to create filters to setup conditions that determine which objects are retrieved from a database using the Eloquent package.

Since it provides traits, it is easy to create Eloquent filters with this package using existing classes that use the traits to extend the functionality of those classes.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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902. Notable PHP package: PHP Security Code Card

Updated on: 2019-10-07

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Security cards are images that contain codes that can be used to verify if a person that has a card is authorized to access a certain system.

This package can generate security card images with verification codes before they can be sent to people that are authorized to access a secure system.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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901. Notable PHP package: PHP Mussel

Updated on: 2019-10-03

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Applications that take uploaded files from untrusted sources should be concerned with the potential of harmful files infected with virus can be submitted to those applications.

ClamAV is a well known Open Source anti-virus solution that can detect many types of harmful forms of virus and malware.

This package uses ClamAV signature files to provide a pure PHP based anti-virus solution that benefits from the malware knowledge provided by ClamAV to protect PHP applications from accepting harmful files.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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900. Notable PHP package: Sphinx PHP Doc RST

Updated on: 2019-10-02

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Sphinx is the name of a format and a tool to generate documentation for the Python language.

Like the Python language, it uses indentation to show the different levels of nested content in a way that makes it more readable what is the level of nesting of document blocks that are contained in the respective parent document blocks.

This package can generate documentation in Sphinx format from PHP classes that contain function and variable documentation details in comments formatted in the PHPDoc format.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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