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Build PDF newsletter from data in a database: Need to design and build the PDF newsletter

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Build PDF newsletter from data in a database

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of Ricardo Dias by Ricardo Dias - 3 years ago (2021-06-25)

Need to design and build the PDF newsletter

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I want to build a PDF newsletter from data stored in MySQL tables.

  • 2 Clarification requests
  • 2. Picture of Carlos Artur Curvelo da Matos by Carlos Artur Curvelo da Matos - 3 years ago (2021-07-02) Reply

    Hi Ricardo,

    That sounds relatively simple by using some PDF redering library like Dompdf. However, a newsletter is more about how data is organized. So, how do you expect the fields and data to be rendered?

    • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 3 years ago (2021-07-01) Reply

      Hello Ricardo,

      Can you clarify the following questions?

      Would you like to generate the PDF and have it sent attached to a newsletter email?

      Or do you want to have the PDF sent as the main body of the newsletter instead of using text or HTML in the newsletter message body?

      Ask clarification

      1 Recommendation

      Mezon PHP HTML Report Builder: Generate HTML to compose reports

      This recommendation solves the problem.
      This recommendation does not solve the problem.


      Picture of Alexey Dodonov by Alexey Dodonov package author package author Reputation 25 - 2 years ago (2021-11-09) Comment

      Hi! You can use this class to convert HTML content to PDF. But as others said - you need to define how the data should be organized

      Recommend package