PHP Classes

securepwd: Checks wether a password is secure enough

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securepwd 1.0GNU General Publi...5Cryptography


Give it a username and a password, and it will check if the password is secure enough, based on different tests. It performs various checks based on the similarity of the given user name and password (even phonetic tests, soundex and metaphone), search the password on the given common-passwords file, minimum size check, and only-numbers check.
It's fully configurable, you can specify it not to perform some checks if you want.
It returns true if the password is secure, but it can also returns a full report specifying the results of the checks.

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  Files folder image Files (4)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file passwords.txt Data passwords file
Accessible without login HTML file sampleresult.html Output A sample of a report
Plain text file Class securepwd class
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Example Example script

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