PHP Classes

ThumbnaiI Image: Resize images to generate thumbnails

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tnimg 1.0GNU Lesser Genera...Graphics


This class can resize images to generate thumbnail versions.

It can generate thumbnail images keeping the proportions between the width and the height. It may also add optional text labels with a given color, font, size, rotation angle and position in the resized images.

It can load images from files of any format supported by the GD extension and generate thumbnails in either JPEG, PNG or GIF formats. The resized images can be saved to a given file or served directly to the user browser.

Picture of Vagharshak Tozalakyan
Name: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <contact>
Classes: 22 packages by
Country: United States United States
Age: 44
All time rank: 61 in United States United States
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Nominee: 7x


ThumbnailImage 1.0.1 - Readme.txt (April 5, 2005) ******************************************************** CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Features Listing 3. License Agreement 4. How to Use 5. Bugs Reporting 6. Author Contacts ******************************************************** 1. INTRODUCTION ThumbnailImage is a class written in PHP that allow you to create with easy thumbnail galleries and to perform different operations over images. Description of methods and properties can be found in the same directory with this file. 2. FEATURES LISTING - Working with all graphic formats supported in your version of GD library in input. Creating JPEG, PNG and GIF in output. - Converting images from any of GD supported formats to JPEG, PNG or GIF. - Resizing images proportionally, fitting to specified bounding rectangle. - Dynamically adding text labels in any font, size and color and logo images in any supported format. Positioning labels and logos to any corner of created image. - Processing output directly to the browser or into the disc files. Version 1.0.1 Now it is possible to load image files by url. Thanks to Luis Larrateguy for the idea. 3. LICENSE AGREEMENT This code is released under GNU/LGPL license. It is free, so you can use it at no cost. However, if you release a script, an application, a library or any kind of code using ThumbnailImages (or a part of it), you must: - Indicate in the documentation (or a readme file), that your work uses ThumbnailImage Class, and make a reference to the author and the web site; - Give the ability to the final user to update the class. I will also appreciate that you send me an e-mail, just to be aware that someone is using ThumbnailImage. Warning!!! This class and the associated files are non commercial, non professional work. It should not have unexpected results. However, if any damage is caused by this software the author can not be responsible. The use of this software is at the risk of the user. 4. HOW TO USE 1) Copy TNIMG.LIB.PHP somewhere on your server. 2) Include the library to your script: require_once ( '/tnimg.lib.php' ); 3) Create the ThumbnailImage object: $ti = new ThumbnailImage ( ); 4) Specify values for class properties: $ti->src_file = 'images/mypic.jpg'; $ti->dest_type = THUMB_JPEG; $ti->dest_file = STDOUT; $ti->max_width = 300; $ti->max_height = 300; 5) Call Output() to proceed: $ti->Output ( ); Please read more detailed description of class methods and properties in HELP files. 5. BUGS REPORTING Please publish bugs reports here: 6. AUTHOR CONTACTS This software was written by author on its leasure time. E-mail: Phone numbers: (+ 374 1) 58 88 75 (home) (+ 374 9) 49 17 34 (mobile) Postal address: Vagharshak Tozalakyan, Proshian str. 3/2, Yerevan 19, ARMENIA.

  Files folder image Files (3)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file Help.eng.txt Doc. Description
Accessible without login Plain text file Readme.txt Doc. Readme
Plain text file tnimg.lib.php Class Class Definition

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