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File: config/

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  Classes of Fabrice Fesch   Melis PHP CMS Analytics by Page   config/   Download  
File: config/
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Melis PHP CMS Analytics by Page
Melis CMS module to provide page access statistics
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 8,539 bytes


Class file image Download

return [
'plugins' => [
'MelisCmsPageAnalytics' => [
'tools' => [
// page_hit tool table
'MelisCmsPageAnalytics_tool' => [
'conf' => [],
'table' => [
// the table that will render the data
'target' => '#tableMelisCmsPageAnalytics',
// the url that will return the JSON album data
'ajaxUrl' => '/melis/MelisCmsPageAnalytics/MelisCmsPageAnalyticsTool/getMelisCmsPageAnalyticsData',
// additional request parameters, this should be a javascript function
'dataFunction' => 'melisCmsPageAnalyticsDataFn',
// the callback event that will be called after table rendering
'ajaxCallback' => 'melisCmsPageAnalyticsAppendLoadedFlag()',
'filters' => [
'left' => [
'limit' => [
'module' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalytics',
'controller' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalyticsTool',
'action' => 'tool-content-table-limit',
'center' => [
'melis_cms_page_analytics_tool_search' => [
'module' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalytics',
'controller' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalyticsTool',
'action' => 'tool-content-table-search-tool',
'right' => [
'melis_cms_page_analytics_tool_refresh' => [
'module' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalytics',
'controller' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalyticsTool',
'action' => 'tool-content-table-refresh-tool',

'columns' => [
// the key should be the actual column name of the table
'ph_id' => [
// text that will be displayed on the table
'text' => 'tr_meliscms_page_analytics_column_id',
// the width of the column
'css' => ['width' => '10%', 'padding-right' => 0],
// if true, then the column is sortable to ASC or DESC
'sortable' => true
'ph_page_id' => [
'text' => 'tr_meliscms_page_analytics_column_page_id',
'css' => ['width' => '10%', 'padding-right' => 0],
'sortable' => true
'page_name' => [
'text' => 'tr_meliscms_page_analytics_column_page_name',
'css' => ['width' => '30%', 'padding-right' => 0],
'sortable' => true
'count' => [
'text' => 'tr_visotrs_count',
'css' => ['width' => '20%', 'padding-right' => 0],
'sortable' => true
'last_date_visited' => [
'text' => 'tr_meliscms_page_analytics_column_date_visit',
'css' => ['width' => '20%', 'padding-right' => 0],
'sortable' => true
// NOTE: the total width that has been set should not go more than 90%,
                            // because the 10% is reserved to the action column where the buttons will be displayed
// Set what columns that will be used when searching
'searchables' => ['ph_id', 'ph_page_id','page_name','ph_date_visit'],
'actionButtons' => [
'export' => [
// this will be used when an export button is clicked, then the configuration will be used
                        // as the file name of the csv that will be downloaded
'csvFileName' => '',
// end export tool data
'MelisCmsPageAnalytics_page_details' => [
'conf' => [],
'table' => [
// the table that will render the data
'target' => '#tableMelisCmsPageAnalyticsPageDetails',
// the url that will return the JSON album data
'ajaxUrl' => '/melis/MelisCmsPageAnalytics/MelisCmsPageAnalyticsPageDetailsTool/getMelisCmsPageAnalyticsPageDetailsData',
// additional request parameters, this should be a javascript function
'dataFunction' => 'setPageId',
// the callback event that will be called after table rendering
'ajaxCallback' => '',
'filters' => [
'left' => [
'limit' => [
'module' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalytics',
'controller' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalyticsPageDetailsTool',
'action' => 'tool-content-table-limit',
'center' => [
'melis_cms_page_analytics_page_search' => [
'module' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalytics',
'controller' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalyticsPageDetailsTool',
'action' => 'tool-content-table-search-page',
'right' => [
'melis_cms_page_analytics_page_refresh' => [
'module' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalytics',
'controller' => 'MelisCmsPageAnalyticsPageDetailsTool',
'action' => 'tool-content-table-refresh-page',

'columns' => [
// the key should be the actual column name of the table
'ph_id' => [
'text' => 'tr_meliscms_page_analytics_column_id',
'css' => ['width' => '20%', 'padding-right' => 0],
'sortable' => true
'ph_date_visit' => [
'text' => 'tr_meliscms_page_analytics_page_details_date_visit',
'css' => ['width' => '40%', 'padding-right' => 0],
'sortable' => true
// NOTE: the total width that has been set should not go more than 90%,
                            // because the 10% is reserved to the action column where the buttons will be displayed
// Set what columns that will be used when searching
'searchables' => ['ph_id', 'ph_date_visit'],
'actionButtons' => [],
'export' => [
// this will be used when an export button is clicked, then the configuration will be used
                        // as the file name of the csv that will be downloaded
'csvFileName' => '',
// end export tool data