* This file contain example how to use class mysqlix
* include class mysqlix
* Example #1 : Testing constructor mysqlix
* Look at class documentation to get information on optional paramaters
echo "<p><b>Tes constructor mysqlix()</b> .... ";
$con = new mysqlix(); //example of class contructor
echo "</p>";
* Example #2 : Testing function drop_db
* Drop database specified in parameter of function drop_db()
echo "<p><b>Tes functon drop_db()</b> ....";
echo "success";
else echo "failed";
echo "</p>";
* Example #3 : Testing function create_db
* Create database with name specified in parameter of function create_db()
echo "<p><b>Tes function create_db()</b> ...";
if( $con->create_db('test') )
echo "success";
else echo "failed";
echo "</p>";
* Example #4 : Testing function drop_table
echo "<p><b>Tes functon drop_table()</b> ....";
if( $con->drop_table('hehe') && $con->drop_table('hoho'))
echo "success";
else echo "failed";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>latest statement " . $con->statement . ", lates database $con->latestdb</p>";
* Example : Testing function create_table, and add_column
* You can manipulate array column using function add_column
* In create_table, you define all parameter required
echo "latest db : $con->latestdb<br>";
echo "<p><b>Create tables</b>...<br>";
$arrT = array();
$arrT = $con->add_column($arrT, 'a', 'INT', null, false, true, true, null, 'this is integer a');
$arrT = $con->add_column($arrT, 'b', 'VARCHAR', 22, true, false, false, 'gerogero');
if( $con->create_tables('hehe',$arrT, 'This is comment of table 1') )
echo "Create table 1 success...<br>";
echo "Create table 1 failed...<br>";
echo "<br>latest statement " . $con->statement . "<br>";
$arrT2 = array();
$arrT2 = $con->add_column($arrT2, 'c', 'VARCHAR', 22, false, false, true, 'gero');
$arrT2 = $con->add_column($arrT2, 'd', 'VARCHAR', 22, true, false, false, 'gerogero');
if( $con->create_tables('hoho',$arrT2, 'This is comment of table 2') )
echo "Create table 2 success...<br>";
echo "Create table 2 failed...<br>";
echo "<br>latest statement " . $con->statement . "<br>";
echo "</p>";
* Example #5 : Testing function create_trigger
* Creating trigger, for more information, read class documentation
echo "<p><b>Tes function create_trigger()</b> ....";
$arr = array("INSERT INTO `hehe` (`a`,`b`) VALUES ('dd','ss')");
if( $con->create_trigger('triggerring','hoho',$arr,'BEFORE','UPDATE') )
echo "Successfully creating trigger ";
echo "Creating trigger aborted. There was error(s)";
echo "</p>";
echo "latest statement " . $con->statement . "<br>";
* Example #6 : Testing function drop_trigger
* Drop a specified name trigger. I don't know why this trigger function can not contain IF EXISTS clause?
echo "<p><b>Tes function drop_trigger()</b> ....";
if( $con->drop_trigger('triggerring') )
echo "success";
echo "failed";
echo "</p>";
* Example #7 : Testing function table_comment
* Retrieve comment on a table whose name specified in the parameter of function table_comment()
* Actually, comment is exist on database information_schema
echo "<p><b>Tes function table_comment()</b> ....";
echo $con->table_comment('hehe');
echo "<br>";
* Example #8 : Testing function table_comments
* Retrieve comment(s) of each table in a database whose name is specified in the parameter of function table_comments()
echo "<p><b>Tes function table_comments()</b> ....";
$rows = $con->table_comments('test');
echo "<br>";
foreach($rows as $tupple)
echo "$tupple[name] => $tupple[comment]";
echo "<br>";
echo "</p>";
* Example #9 : Testing function secure_multi_query
* Secure your multi query (in array function's parameter) using combination of commit() and rollback()
echo "<p><b>Tes function secure_multi_query()</b> ....";
$arr = array("INSERT INTO `hehe` VALUES('hello','world')","INSERT INTO `hoho` VALUES('viva','php')");
echo "secure_multi_query successfully executed";
echo "There was error(s). But don't worry, the system has been rolled back";
echo "</p>";
echo "Latest statement " . $con->statement . "<br>";
* Example #10 : Testing function insert
echo "<p><b>Tes function insert() ...";
if( $con->insert('hehe', array('a' => 'gogo', 'b' =>'gigi')) )
echo "Data successfully inserted <br>";
echo "Failed on insert <br>";
echo "</p>";
* Example #11 : Testing function update
* Update database tupple
* Read class documentation to get more infor
echo "<p><b>Tes function update()</b> ....";
if( $con->update('hehe', array('b' =>'gigi'), array('a' => 'hello')) )
echo "Data successfully updated <br>";
echo "Failed on update <br>";
echo "</p>";
* Example #12 : Testing function select
* look at : array('a' => 'hello','b' => '')
* note : 'a' and 'b' is columns that you want to be retrieved,
* 'hello' is the value of column 'a' in where clause, because value of 'b' is '', so column 'b' doesn't included in where clause
echo "<p><b>Tes function select()</b> ";
//$con->query("use test");
echo "<br>";
$result = $con->select('hehe', array('a' => 'hello','b' => ''));
echo $con->statement . "<br>";
while($row = $result->fetch_row())
echo "$row[0] = $row[1]";
echo "<br>";
echo "</p>";
//here destructor will be called automatically