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1. Find Out How Fast Are PostgreSQL JSONB Fields Using a PHP Postgresql JSON Performance Tool

Updated on: 2023-06-02

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Blog: PHP PostgreSQL JSONB Performance package blog
Package: PHP PostgreSQL JSONB Performance

JSON is a text format often used to represent complex data structures like objects and arrays.

JSONB is a modern type of field that the latest versions of the PostgreSQL database servers provide to store JSON data in binary format.

The possibility that PostgreSQL servers provide can make processing JSON data stored in PostgreSQL databases faster.

This PHP package implements a benchmark tool to measure the performance of accessing PostgreSQL database tables with JSONB fields for everyday database operations like indexing, searching, and filtering results.

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1. How to Use a PHP Dependency Injection Container for Math Operations to Improve the Level of Precision with Different PHP Libraries

Updated on: 2023-06-01

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Blog: PHP Dependency Injection Calculator package blog
Package: PHP Dependency Injection Calculator

When a developer needs to solve a problem, several types of solutions can work as alternatives.

For instance, a developer may store and retrieve the application data using different databases.

In this case, using different classes that implement the same database access operations with other codes is recommended for accessing different types of databases.

Then the application may write code that works well with different databases.

If, in the future, the developer needs to change the application to use a different type of database, he needs to use an object to access that type of database without needing to change the code of the rest of the application.

In this case, the application uses a database access object and injects it into the code that implements the application.

This approach to separate the application code from the implementation class code that the application depends on is called dependency injection.

This package implements this approach to perform math operations. It provides a main class that implements several types of math operations. It also offers several classes that implement those math operations with different PHP extensions that provide various types of precision.

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1. How to Use a PHP DOCX to PDF Converter using LibreOffice

Updated on: 2023-05-31

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Blog: Bitrix24 PHP LibreOffice Convert DOCX to PDF and JPEG package blog
Package: Bitrix24 PHP LibreOffice Convert DOCX to PDF and JPEG

PDF is a popular format used to store files of documents that are meant for printing.

DOCX is a popular format used by Microsoft Word application to store documents created by people that use that application to create and share documents.

The DOCX format may also store document files generated by other software tools. Some of those tools can be written in PHP.

PHP document generation tools may also process template documents stored in DOCX format files.

When document files in DOCX formats need to be printed, converting those files to PDF could be a good solution because the PDF format considers the physical dimensions of the published document.

This package provides a solution to convert one or more DOCX documents to PDF or JPEG using the LibreOffice application. This way, you can implement a conversion system based on free software.

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1. How to Use an Extension of PHP Excel Package to Support Better Pivot Tables

Updated on: 2023-05-31

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Blog: PHP Excel Pivot Tables package blog
Package: PHP Excel Pivot Tables

Excel is a popular spreadsheet tool many people use to keep track of financial information in tables of rows and cells.

Excel supports pivot tables. Pivot tables can show aggregated information from rows and cells that provide more extensive information. Pivot tables can be used to show summaries of information to help people working with finances make better decisions related to their businesses.

A PHP package named PHP Excel provides several classes to manipulate spreadsheets stored in Excel XLSX format.

This package can extend the PHP Excel package to provide more extensive support to pivot tables.

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1. How to Use a PHP IP Logger Application that Can Create Short URLs and Provide an API to Extend Its Possibilities with External Applications

Updated on: 2023-05-29

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Blog: PHP IP Logger package blog
Package: PHP IP Logger

One way to measure statistics of the access to site pages is to track the IP addresses of the computer or phone of the users that access those pages.

This package provides a short URL application in PHP that associates URLs with short-string codes with longer URLs.

When users access pages with short string codes, this application can track the user's access to the pages with long URLs.

This allows this application to track several types of statistics that may be useful for page owners to evaluate the audience of their pages.

This application also provides an API so external applications can process the statistics of the page accesses in a way that is more convenient to those applications.

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1. How to Get a PHP PostgreSQL Query Result to Show the Database Table that Has a Given Column Name

Updated on: 2023-05-26

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Blog: PHP PostgreSQL Get Column Details By Names package blog
Package: PHP PostgreSQL Get Column Details By Names

Sometimes developers that have worked on several projects want to reuse code used in a project to manipulate database table columns for a specific purpose.

Still, they do not remember in which project they used that table column.

This package provides a simple tool for finding the PostgreSQL database and table with a column with a name entered by the user.

This way, the user can quickly find what was the project that used the code to access that PostgreSQL database table.

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1. How to Use a PHP Dependency Management Class to Detect Bugs Cause by Unintended Changes in Class Dependencies

Updated on: 2023-05-25

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Blog: PHP Dependency Management package blog
Package: PHP Dependency Management

Well-structured PHP projects split their functionality into multiple components that perform a few actions to make the projects simpler to develop and understand.

PHP components are usually implemented as classes. Different components may use classes of other components that implement specialized actions.

These relations between different component classes are called dependencies.

This package implements a dependency management class that can keep track of objects of different dependency classes.

The package implements a callback hook feature that allows different component classes to track changes in the dependencies between component classes.

This possibility allows developers to find issues due to unintended changes in the class dependencies that may make the applications not work as expected, thus making it easier to debug this type of issue.

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1. How to Simplify Words to Prepare Sentences for Implementing PHP Artificial Intelligence Applications Using a Porter Stemming PHP Extension

Updated on: 2023-05-24

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Blog: PHP STMR package blog
Package: PHP STMR

The Porter stemmer algorithm is used to process words to remove common endings. This algorithm helps detect similar words.

The Porter stemmer algorithm is used in artificial intelligence applications that simplify the processing of words in sentences by reducing the number of words the artificial intelligence needs to recognize.

This package provides a PHP extension written in C that provides a PHP function that implements the Porter stemmer algorithm.

This way, this function can run faster than a pure PHP implementation of the same algorithm. Consequently, PHP functions that use this extension can also run faster and process text in less time.

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1. How to Reduce the Costs of Hosting PHP Applications with the Compression Support of PHP memcached Extension

Updated on: 2023-05-23

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Blog: File cache class package blog
Package: File cache class

One way to make PHP applications and sites faster is to use a caching method to store frequently used information, for instance, the results of database queries or the HTML contents of pages that do not change often.

In PHP, you can use a simple file-based cache system. However, a more efficient way to cache data is to use Memcached servers using the PHP Memcached extension.

This extension was improved by using compression to reduce the memory it takes to store cached data.

Read this article to learn more about making PHP applications faster by using cache solutions and how to use the latest version of the PHP Memcached solution to make PHP quicker and reduce the hosting costs of your PHP applications.

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1. How to Use a PHP Command Line Arguments Parser That Uses Callback Functions to Process Arguments and Execute the Commands

Updated on: 2023-05-22

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Blog: PHP Command Line Parser package blog
Package: PHP Command Line Parser

PHP can start running scripts from the command line console shell using the PHP CLI version.

Those scripts may take arguments passed by the users in front of the PHP script name.

PHP can create an array of arguments to make it easier for the scripts to process the parameters.

This package simplifies the processing of arguments by providing a means to call given functions to help developers process each type of argument separately.

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